You undoubtedly know how easily car seat straps and seat belts get soiled if you have kids or love eating and drinking in your car while on the run. It is easy to miss the vehicle’s seat belt area during car cleaning.
A common aspect of overall interior vehicle maintenance is sanitizing the automobile seats and straps. Before dealing with stains and other issues, it is usually a good idea to vacuum the inside of your automobile to remove crumbs and grime from your car.
There are various ways to clean car seat belts and straps. In this article, we will teach you how to keep your car seat straps looking new through regular maintenance.
Cleaning Your Car Seat Belts
You use your car’s seat belts so frequently that germs can contaminate them from frequent use. During routine maintenance, don’t forget to clean the car seat belts.
Combine equal parts water and mild soap in a spray bottle. Pull on the seat belt slowly to extend it as far as it will go. Clamp it to the top of the belt near the reel to keep the belt in place.
Spray the cleaner from top to bottom on the belt and scrub any grime off with an old toothbrush. Drag the fabric from the top to the bottom of the belt using a soft cloth to remove the soap and dirt residue. Keep the seat belt in place until it is completely dry.
Baking Soda for Cleaning Your Car Seat Straps
No matter how much you want to put those vehicle straps in the washer, they are not machine washable. On the other hand, you can use baking soda to clean soiled car seat straps. This will help rid the belt of any unpleasant odors.
In a mixing basin, combine equal amounts of baking soda and warm water. Apply the paste to the soiled region of the seat strap with a toothbrush dipped in the paste. Using an upward motion, gently clean away crud with the toothbrush.
Do not rub the region too vigorously. Allow the area to air dry after removing the stain by wiping it off with a damp towel and a little cold water.
Cleaning Your Infant Car Seat Straps
Germs can thrive in infant car seats, and we do not wish to see them in one of the last places we want them to be. You can safely clean those straps with mild soap and water in only a few simple steps. You can also use this formula to clean the vehicle seat cover with a non-toxic upholstery cleaning solution.
It does not have to be difficult to clean vehicle seats, including their cushions and straps. Depending on your infant’s car seat model, you may need to clean the straps and the rest of the seat differently. Before cleaning your car seat, check the handbook from its manufacturer. There may be two ways to go about cleaning your infant car seat straps:
- Soak the buckles and straps in a solution of baby shampoo and warm water and hand wash them if your instruction manual allows it. Clean out the buckles’ nooks and crannies with a toothbrush. Lay the straps out to dry thoroughly in the sun after cleaning them before placing them back into the car seat.
- Soak a soft towel in a mild soap and water solution and wring out any extra liquid if the manufacturer’s cleaning instructions do not allow removing and soaking the straps. With a soapy towel, clean the strap webbing from top to bottom. Make sure to clean each strap on the outside and inside.
Making sure to clean your vehicle’s seat straps regularly will guarantee the comfort of your family and passengers and help you stay away from potential illnesses due to dirty straps. Follow our tips above, and have a great ride every time!
If you need a replacement for your car seat straps, turn to Safety Restore. We are the world’s leader in post-accident restorations specializing in seat belt repairs and airbag modules. We also provide webbing replacements and instrument cluster repairs. Find a compatible service for your car today!