Children are our most precious cargo in vehicles. However, in the United States, injuries from vehicular accidents are the primary cause of preventable fatalities and injuries for children ages 1-13. Expects indicate that using the correct car seat can mitigate this risk by up to 71%. Yet statistics show that 75% of car seats are not either not properly installed or not used altogether. Whether you are a new parent or one with a carload of little ones already, ensure that you have the correct car seat and it is installed properly.
First, make sure that your child has a correct seat. To find the correct seat for your child based on his or her age, look on the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration’s (NHTSA) site. There are a listing or seat requirements defined by age brackets. Experts recommend that until the age of two, children should be strapped into a rear-facing car seat. Children typically outgrow infant car seats at about 8-9 months. Experts recommend getting an all-in-one convertible car seat at this point. This allows the child to continue to be rear-facing, which is safer for him or her, and then move to forward-facing.
At around 1-3 years old, the child can be placed into a forward-facing set. From 4-7 years of age, the child will need a booster seat. Many drivers ignore booster seats. However, without a booster, a child’s seat belt will not fit properly. There are different types of booster seats. A booster seat with a high back provides head and neck support in the event of an accident, while a backless booster seat does not. Depending on your child’s size, a booster seat may have to be used until he or she is age 12. After 12, children can start using seat belts. To maximize safety, do not allow a child younger than 12 to sit in the front seat. Whatever type of car seat your child has, be sure to register it with the National Highway and Traffic Safety Administration to be alerted of any safety recalls to the seat.
Safety Restore understands that safety is essential. Thus, Safety Restore provides custom color seat belts. While children over the age of 12 can be buckled by seat belts, they don’t often keep them on. Custom color seatbelts can promote the safety of seat belts by making it easy for a parent to see if a child has unbuckled him or herself. Safety Restore offers custom colored seat belts in bright hues, like red, orange, yellow, and green. Safety Restore only uses OEM webbing fabric that meets or often exceeds, federal guidelines for custom color seat belts. Not only will your custom seat belt webbing look great, but they will keep your little one safe. Colored seat belts can also upgrade the look of the interior of a vehicle.