If your vehicle is in need of an SRS module repair, it is crucial that you get this done as soon as possible. This will ensure your safety as well as the safety of others on the road. Turn to Safety Restore today and get it taken care of immediately!
The SRS airbag module is the main hub-bub of the entire airbag system. Everything from the impact sensors to the airbags, to the seat belts, intertwine through it. Even being involved in a small accident can result in your SRS airbag module storing crash data and hard codes and lighting up the airbag light on your dash. Your seat belts may deploy as well, which would result in additional codes. Safety Restore provides an affordable solution. You can be spared from paying hundreds or even thousands of dollars for a brand new unit at the dealer. Instead, you can ship out your existing unit for an SRS module repair at Safety Restore. The company provides a full reset to factory condition. All hard codes and crash data will be erased and cleared. If there are no other underlying issues in your vehicle, your airbag light should immediately turn off when the unit is reinstalled. The service is 100% guaranteed and requires no additional programming!
You can absolutely trust Safety Restore to perform the SRS module repair with safety and quality in mind. Just look at the vast array of positive reviews from the company’s satisfied customers! The company employs highly trained and experienced engineers and technicians. The repairs are performed using industry-standard tools and 100% OEM parts. A dual-pro system is in place to test the repairs. Furthermore, Safety Restore has always met or exceeded FMVSS standards. To its already low price of $49.99 per module reset, the company adds a lifetime warranty onto the service. In the very slim chance of something going wrong in the future, customers have the ability to send their unit in for rework without having to pay an additional fee. A quick 24 hour turnaround time can also be expected!
To get your SRS module repair, simply log onto safetyrestore.com. There, you can select and prepay for the SRS module repair service, box up your unit, and ship it out to Safety Restore using any preferred carrier. Once they receive your package, they will perform the reset in just 24 hours or less! All hard codes and crash data will be removed and your unit will function like new again!