A speedometer indicates how fast the vehicle is traveling at any given moment. The odometer tells us how far the vehicle has traveled. They work hand in hand to determine if any services are needed and to help keep you driving safely on the road. Having a properly calibrated speedometer is very important when your vehicle is on the road. Tire diameter, tire wear, tire temperature, pressure, vehicle load, and differential gearing can all affect the speedometers reading. There are also other reasons why the speedometer is not working. Here are some scenarios and how to repair the speedometer based on them.
The first one is if the speedometer is simply dead. In an older car, the culprit may be the cable that is connected from the transmissions to the speedometer. In cars produced after 1990, the speed sensor may have crashed or had a fault speedometer head. A professional like SafetyRestore would need to help you here.
If the check engine light came on after the speedometer stopped working, this may be a result of the speed sensors. They may stop sending data to the vehicle’s computer, so when the computer attempts to calculate the road speed, it lights the check engine light. Replacing the speed sensor should solve this issue.
Bouncing or jerking of the speedometer may be the result of bad wiring or a faulty speed sensor. Usually, the wiring needs to be changed, or the sensors need to be re-calibrated.
The speedometer also needs to be calibrated if the tires on your vehicle have changed.
Safety Restore is a professional post accident restoration company that can do the cluster repair for you. You can save up to 80% when repairing with them. Their expert technicians use 100% OEM parts, backed by a lifetime warranty. With a 24 hour turnaround on all repairs, your speedometer will be working like new in no time! Visit SafetyRestore.com for more information on how to repair speedometer.