Seat Belt Inflator

A seat belt inflator is the small pyrotechnic igniter that is found in every new seat belt. The device is responsible for going off in the event of a crash and locking the entire seat belt mechanism. With the seat belt repair industry growing, many companies have turned to suppliers that are manufacturing counterfeit inflators that can be easily installed into any seat belt, tricking the airbag system and turning the airbag light on. While this may indeed turn the airbag light on, by no means, does it restore safety in your vehicle? Counterfeit inflators have been on the watch by Federal agencies that shut down multiple companies dealing with this illegal activity. To this day, many “companies” and individuals are purchasing counterfeit seat belt inflators to provide seat belt repairs for their own or commercial use. Not only is this illegal, but it is also a serious threat to the occupants who will be using the seat belts. A seat belt inflator consists of explosive which requires a special license for handling. At Safety Restore, not only are we licensed, but we also import the same OEM seat belt inflators from the manufacturer that supplied your original seat belt manufacturer with. We take safety very seriously, and the seat belt inflator is one of the most important safety components in a seat belt. On top of that, all of our seat belt repairs are performed by experienced technicians and engineers. Please be aware of many companies using illegal seat belt inflators to repair your seat belts. Do not put yours or someone else’s life in danger. In recent years, the FBI has prosecuted (including imprisonment) individuals using illegal counterfeit seat belt inflators. To stay safe, always purchase your seat belt repairs from Safety Restore!

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