Gas prices have remained stable throughout the last few years. However, we all know that prices will increase around the holidays as there will be more travel. If you drive a vehicle that requires gas, you will likely feel the financial burden of increased prices soon. However, there are some driving habits you can incorporate to increase fuel economy.
Driving calmly and following the speed limit can decrease gas consumption. Unnecessary acceleration and braking consumes a lot of gas and rarely does anything to improve driving time. Speed limits between 45-60 miles per hour maximize fuel economy; after 60 miles per hour, your gas consumption increases greatly. By going with the pace of traffic or following the speed limit, you can improve your mileage by up to 30% on the highways and 5% in the city.
Next, pack only necessities and avoid roof racks. Added weight decreases fuel economy. In fact, every 100 pounds can decrease fuel efficiency by 1-2%! Roof racks especially hinder fuel economy because they not only add weight but cause aerodynamic dragging. Thus, unless you are using the roof rack for a specific trip, leave it at home or try to fit your cargo into the trunk.
In addition, limit air conditioning use by using your vehicle’s own ventilation system. When driving at lower speeds, you can also open the windows for ventilation. Air conditioning can hinder fuel economy by up to 20%! Similarly, do not let your vehicle idle for long periods of time. Ten seconds of idling can use as much gas as it takes to restart the vehicle! By turning off the car and waiting, you can increase your fuel economy.
Fuel economy habits are important, but not as important as maintaining your seat belts. If your seat belts are in need of seat belt tensioner repair, do not postpone this fix. Safety Restore provides seatbelt tensioner repair that can leave your seat belts as good as new. Seat belt tensioner repairing is necessary when seat belts do not retract automatically or retract slowly. This seemingly innocent problem could mean an injury or death in an accident. Safety Restore’s seat belt repair is rapid and affordable. With a 24-hour turnaround time and quality products that meet or exceed federal guidelines, your seatbelt repair will ensure the full safety of seat belts. Contact Safety Restore today about seat belt tensioner repair!