If you are moving to the state of Georgia, it is important to read up on the different laws and regulations in this state, such as the seat belt laws. If you have been living in Georgia for years already, it’s never a bad idea to refresh your memory on information that you may have forgotten about.
To start with, Georgia seat belt laws state that all drivers and front-seat passengers must be buckled into their seat belt when in a vehicle. The seat belt violation cost for failing to do so is typical $15. Besides the driver and front-seat passenger, all occupants of a vehicle aged 8 to 17 must also be buckled in—regardless of where they are seated in the vehicle. Failing to follow this law can result in a ticket as well as a $25 fine for the vehicle’s driver. There are additional laws when it comes to young children and infants. All passengers under the age of 8 must be properly secured in age and size-appropriate car seats or booster seats approved by the United States Department of Transportation. Children and infants should always be placed in the back of a vehicle and the seat must be properly secured to the car. Weight and height play a big role. If the child weighs at least 40 pounds and is over 4’9″, he or she can be secured with just the car’s seat belt. Failing to do so, however, can result in a $50 fine for the driver as well as a ticket. Subsequent violations can add points to the driver’s license and result in larger fines.
Although these seat belt rules are held in place for the majority of drivers and passengers, there are some exempt to these laws. Those riding in a bus or taxi, those who find themselves in a medical condition preventing them from strapping in, or those who make frequent stops and exits of a vehicle to delivery property from the vehicle are exempt from wearing their seat belt. Other exceptions noted in Georgia seat belt laws include individuals driving a car in reverse, those driving a vehicle model older than 1965, rural letter carriers, newspaper deliverers, and emergency service providers.
Of course, to properly buckle into a seat belt, you need a well-functioning seat belt, to begin with. If you are facing any issues with your belt, know that you can turn to the company Safety Restore. The company specializes in quality and affordable seat belt repair.